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Get in touch...
                         Near Far Film Festival is a boutique short film exhibition with great
                       ambition. We are celebrating, not only, the best short films from
                      Australia and afar, but Dayboro’s modest and resilient film exhibition
                    community. Through the decades the Dayboro Lions Club have brought
                 the community together every month to showcase the latest family feature
            films. Dayboro was one of the last communities in Australia to project 35mm
prints of films; only retiring the format when the big Hollywood studios stopped distributing prints.
I remember watching the projectionist feed the reels through the motors and watch as he would restart the film to match the CD soundtrack to the vision. I was once crammed under a bench in the print release of “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix” and making bets with friends as to when the interval would rush in. Not many young people today are privileged to have such a rich introduction to cinema. As I reflect on my journey in the film industry I cannot help, but believe this town, this humble hall set the spark that would light up my cinematic dream. Near Far Festival is a love letter to Dayboro, the Community and the Generosity of the Lion Club Volunteers.

As Festival Director, I wish to expand upon this legacy and provide all generations with the most captivating and enthralling cinematic stories the world has to offer. I will forever be committed to this community and the magic it has imparted upon me. Soon enough we will be presenting the rest of the world with one of the best film festivals!

 Over three jam-packed days the festival will host a myriad of family-led, arthouse &
blockbuster short films. Accompanying the screenings: workshops for
families; talks with industry professionals; and social event celeb—
rating the products of local business.I hope to see you all there.

Travis Vetier | Festival Director

Festival Director Address:


© 2023 by Near Far Film Festival

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