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Not too near... Not too far...

… Just beyond the Brisbane city limits lies the scenic country town of Dayboro — a town little known for it’s cinematic history. Just like you we aim to share the beauty of human spirit, worldly curiosity and cinema magic with passionate, excited audiences. So come relive the humble grandeur of roadshow exhibition, all the while pioneering your unique creative voice at the NEAR FAR FILM FESTIVAL.

Only half an hour out of Brisbane City, the scenic town of Dayboro has blossomed from over 150 years of agricultural industry. Nestled in the D'Aguilar Ranges the town provided timber, dairy, sugar and tropical fruits to Queensland's South-East. Before long saw mills, sugar mills, a butter factory, and even a train line were constructed to process yields and shuttle in eager workers.

Now over 2000 people call these foothills home. A lot has changed, but the townsfolk continue to embrace community, tradition, and the future -- trust a farming town to know how to adapt & grow!

We want to celebrate Roadshow Cinema History and the Future of Filmmaking. If you think your film fits the bill... submit your film here. If you want to join us in the celebrations... save the dates.

Find out more about the town's cinematic history.

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